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Natural & Organic Skin & Hair Care

"I believe that incorporating natural treatments with our modern skincare routine would nurture both the skin and soul, keeping a connection

to Mother Earth."



Hello and welcome to Terra Beauty! I'm so glad you're here. A little bit about myself; my name is Selma. I've always had a deep love for natural beauty recipes and skin and hair remedies that I learned from my mother and grandmother in Morocco. I remember how my grandma used to mix dry rose petals powder with rose water to create a wonderful refreshing face mask. And my mother soaking several herbs in Argan and olive oil; recipe for hair nourishment and growth. I have since traveled and lived in several countries and I have discovered new ingredients that nourish and moisturize the skin and hair. And here I am ladies; I am so excited to share my knowledge with you. I hope you enjoy exploring this site and discovering the benefits of natural beauty.

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